Equipped with the most experienced team in the industry.

We are equipped with the highest quality experts in each industry field. From architects, designers, to the construction process, you can expect to get the best quality projects done in a competitive budget and time frame.

Samon Sushi – DIX 30 | Boucherville, QC. | 2020

“We have quality consulting service to provide you with premium quality designs and sustainable building practices, and leading technologies in the space.”

Founder and Director of Operations of Canamo + Construction, Mohamed Tizaoui, has a solid record in Construction, Management, and Monitoring of Civil Engineering projects. 

Mohamed holds a master’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Carthage, a higher education diploma specializing in Construction and Project Management.

He is licensed as a General Contractor and has had extensive experience working with international companies on large-scale projects.

Mohamed Tizaoui

President & Founder

Trusted Among Industry Leaders

What projects have we worked on?

We have been trusted by companies all over Canada, From commercial to government projects.

How can we help you?

Feel free to call or e-mail us to discuss your project or find out more about our services.